Thursday, June 4, 2009


PLUS Gymnasium was opened to staff on 29 May 2009, complete with the latest technology for reducing the size of the tummy, belly as well as burning all the fatty tissue to reduce the 'weight'.

The staff, with full enthusiasm takes part in utilizing all exercise equipment available in order to achieve the 'desired' weight and preferred stamina.

The latest technology in burning the unwanted 'fuel'...

Among the 'pioneer' in exploring the possibilities in enhancing the stamina

"testing.. testing... mujarab ke guna nih...?"

"amboi... kena kontrol ayu nih... nak masuk blog..."
Akak, berapa bulan gamaknye bertahan hadir kat gym ni?

Rest area for whom 'yang tak larat nak balik'...

To all... happy burning the fat!!